4. Sales Lead

4.1 Introduction

The Sales Lead screen enables you to record information gathered during a sales query or a call from a potential borrower. A sales representative can then use Sales Lead screen to follow-up with the borrower. This is not a mandatory screen. You can always begin origination process directly using the Application Entry screen Information on Sales Lead screen can be attached to the Application Entry screen as optional information. Attaching a lead to an application can help the sales department analyze the effectiveness of following-up with prospective borrowers. Once a lead is attached to an application from the Sales Lead screen, the system changes its status to COMPLETED.

4.2 Lead Entry

The Lead Entry screen enables you to record information regarding prospective borrowers from a sales query or a call to be used in a follow-up call. The initial status for the lead can be set as NEW or FOLLOW-UP.

To Navigate to Lead Entry screen

  1. On the Oracle financial Services Lending and Leasing Application home screen, click Origination > Origination > Sales Lead.
  2. On the Sales Lead screen, click Lead Entry tab.
  3. In the Lead Entry screen, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:

Applicant Information

Applicant Information Section


Do this

Lead #

View the sales lead number.

Lead Date

View the sales lead date. System defaults the current date.


Select the company name.


Select the branch name.

First Name

Specify the applicant’s first name.

Last Name

Specify the applicant’s last name.

Birth Dt

Specify the birth date.


Select the channel of the sales lead.


Select the source of the sales lead.

Address Section


Do this


Select the address type.

Postal Type

Select the postal address type.

Address #

Specify the address.

Street Pre

Select the street prefix (directional).

Street Name

Specify the street name.

Street Type

Select the street type.

Street Post

Select the street postfix (directional).

Apt #

Specify the apartment number.

Address 1

Specify the first address line.

Address 2

Specify the second address line.


Specify the city.


Select the state.


Select the zip code.

Note: For non US country, you have to enter zip code.


Select the country code.


Specify the e-mail address.

Alternate Email

Specify the alternate e-mail address.

Assigned By

View the user code creating the sale lead.


Select the status for the sale lead.

Status Dt

View the last sales lead status change date.

Follow-up Dt

Specify the sales lead follow-up date.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.2.1 Telecoms Sub Tab

The Telecoms sub tab records phone numbers for the sales lead.

  1. Click Telecoms sub tab available on Sales Lead screen.
  2. You can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this

Telecom Type

Select the type of telecommunications device


Specify the phone number


Select the Current check box to indicate the phone number is in service.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.2.2 Comments sub tab

The Comments sub tab records any comments regarding the sales lead.

  1. Click Comments sub tab available on Sales Lead screen.
  2. You can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this


Select the comment type.

Sub Type

Select the comment sub type.


Specify the comment.

Comment Dt

View the date when comment was entered and saved.

Comment By

View the user id of the person who entered and saved the comment.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.2.3 Documents sub tab

The Documents sub tab needs to be completed if:

  1. Click Documents sub tab available on Sales Lead screen.
  2. You can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this

Document Type

Select the document type.

Sub Type

Select the document sub type.


Specify the document.

Document Dt

View the date when document was entered and saved.

Document By

View user id of the person who entered and saved the document.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.2.4 Requests sub tab

The Requests sub tab records product the customer is interested in and the requested amount for each product.

  1. Click Requests sub tab available on Sales Lead screen.
  2. You can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Specify the requested product as .

Requested Amount

Specify the requested amount.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.3 Follow-Up tab

The Follow-Up tab enables you to update customer information based on sales lead follow-ups with customer.

  1. On the Sales Lead screen, click Follow-Up tab.
  2. In the Status field, click:
    • New to view all leads on the Follow-Up screen with status of NEW.


    • Follow Up to view all leads on the Follow-Up screen with status of FOLLOW UP.


    • All to view all leads on Follow-Up screen.
  1. In the Assigned field, click:
    • Assigned By to view all leads on the Follow-Up screen assigned to the current user.


    • All to view all leads on the Follow-Up screen assigned to any user.
  1. You can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this


View the company name of sales lead.


View the branch name of the sales lead.

Followup Dt

Select the follow-up date of the sales lead.

Lead #

View the sales lead number.

Lead Date

View the creation date of the sales lead.


View the applicant’s name.

Assigned by

View the user assigned to the sales lead.


Select the status of the sales lead.

Status Dt

View the last sales lead status change date.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.4 Maintenance tab

The Maintenance tab enables you to attach a sales lead to a different or missed application or change status of lead as New.

To attach a sales lead to an application

  1. On the Sales Lead screen, click Maintenance tab.

You can view the following information:


View this

Lead #

View the sales lead number.

Last Name

View the last name of the sales lead.

First Name

View the first name of the sales lead.


View the status of the sales lead.


View the company of the sales lead.


View the branch of the sales lead.

Days of Inac­tivity

View the number of days of inactivity regarding the sales lead.

  1. Select the sales lead you want to attach to the application and click Attach to an Application button.
  2. You can view the following details of application attached to the lead:


    View this


    The priority of the sales lead.

    Application #

    The application number of the sales lead.


    The date of the application.


    The title of the application.


    The product of the application.


    The status of the application.


    The producer of the application.

If the wrong sales lead was attached to an application, detach it from the existing application by clicking Change to New Status, then attach it to the correct application clicking Attach to an Application, completing the App # field, and clicking Post.